Quantori is a Gold Sponsor at the Bio-IT World on 2‑4 April
BOOTH #403
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High Performance Computing

Scientific discoveries with
Quantori’s hands-on experience

Unfold R&D faster and more productively with HPC

Boost your scientific discoveries and empower your decision-making with Quantori’s hands-on experience and HPC platform accelerators.

1. Accelerate Innovation 
Unfold R&D faster and more productively with HPC plus cloud technologies, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and deep learning.
2. Optimize costs and time 
Shorten time to discovery without worrying about the cost.
3. Maximize performance 
Handle the most demanding life sciences workloads with a focus on performance, flexibility, and reliability.

Faster Discoveries with High Performance Computing for Life Sciences

Find your Solution
Abstract background
Quantori HPC Services
Computational platform(s) design, implementation, and further support
HPC Migration from on‑premise to the cloud and Hybrid configurations
Existing HPC infrastructure support and improvements
HPC user support - education and consultation, help to scale-up workflows into the cloud
Scientific Software - build and optimize to ensure that it runs in the most efficient manner
Domain expertise in Computation Chemistry, Image Analysis, Genomics, Machine Learning, etc.
Computational algorithms optimization
HPC Pipeline design and optimization
Contact us
Why Quantori?
Quantori HPC capabilities and accelerators allow biotech innovators to kick-start research computations in one click, rather than spending months or years on preliminary work and recruiting efforts. We help biopharma companies implement custom solutions personalized to the most complex and large−scale drug discovery computations.
HPC expertise
Vast hands-on experience with traditional on-prem and cloud HPC and intuitive understanding of common and specific problems for these approaches
Scope of HPC services
Expertise and capacity to design scientific workflows, migrate from on-premise to the cloud, and provide future support and modifications to your system
Economics of resources
Solutions that combine ready-to-use HPC accelerators and unique bioinformatic scenarios, observe metrics and curated risks, and leverage open-source initiatives
Life sciences & drug discovery expertise
20+ years in the industry:
we recognize and use the most effective tools and technologies
in our projects
Quantori HPC Accelerators
Computation Platform
The HPC platform accelerator enables the customers to accelerate scientific research with HPC technologies without focusing on infrastructure.
With flexible design, it could be integrated with the majority of tools used for computation in Genomics, CryoEM, computational chemistry, and other areas - depending on the customer’s focus.
Key advantages
  • Interactive and batch processing
  • Easier and quicker migration to the cloud
  • Open-source components
  • Unified environment
  • Automated process
  • High flexibility and customization
  • Compatibility
  • Cloud agnostic
Docking Factory Accelerator
The Docking Factory accelerator provides researchers with a convenient framework and tool for molecular docking.
Molecular docking is one of the most frequently used methods in structure-based drug design. There are many different algorithms to perform docking and no unified way of running it.
With the Docking Factory accelerator, a user can analyze results from the run using RStudio/Jupyter without switching context, which saves a lot of time.
Key advantages
  • Parallelization
  • Scalability
  • Customization
  • Open-source
  • Integration
Explore HPC Solutions


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